10 Best Free Shopify Themes 2018

Building a new eCommerce website shouldn't require an advanced developer. Inventors and entrepreneurs typically don't have the know-how to construct an online store from scratch, but they also don't have the capital to pay lots of money for one. That's where eCommerce platforms like Shopify come in. All you have to do is sign up for Shopify, pay the monthly fee, then choose a Shopify theme for your design. Some of the paid themes are as professional as you can get, but the free category has its outliers as well.

Not only is a free Shopify theme going to keep costs low, but you'll be able to construct a beautiful, modern, and professional site, all without having to pay for a customized design. This could end up saving you anywhere from $500 to $10,000. Considering the average startup doesn't have that type of cash to throw around, a free Shopify theme is the way to go.

Some of the themes are older, but the majority of them have new, drag and drop elements and sections, which provide full content modules (like for product galleries or testimonials,) with the ability to move them around on your homepage. All of the free Shopify themes are completely responsive for mobile shopping, and you get an incredible number of apps to improve the functionality of your Shopify website.

What's great is that the apps all integrate seamlessly with the Shopify themes. So, for instance, an awards program plugin would combine nicely with each of the themes we talk about below.
With that said, keep reading to learn more about the best free Shopify themes on the market. Also, let us know in the comments if you have any preferences.


The Debut theme has a somewhat minimal design, with an almost retro configuration that looks similar to a blog or regular business website. The header slider moves through large images, and you have the option to move around some of the modules for either talking about your company or revealing your best products towards the top of the homepage. The theme is completely responsive, and it includes social media buttons for connecting on places like Facebook and Twitter. The slideshow on the homepage has support for video. This way, you can create a story with your slideshows and switch between videos and images.
The single featured product page shows one product with the image and product information blown up for the ultimate exposure. For example, you might have a brand new item that needs to be sold in high quantities during the launch period. Customer testimonials are included with the Debut theme. This way, you can ask your VIP customers if they would send you rave reviews, then use those testimonials to convince other customers to buy. The testimonials feature both text and images. The theme also provides product filtering to lead customers to certain collections or product types.
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If you want to make an online store that sells large amounts of inventory, the Supply theme should be on your list of theme options. The homepage goes right into the selling process, with large collections and galleries. It's similar to something you might see from places like Amazon, where they go right into the product information and skip the creative banner images. There is still a slideshow, so you do have the option to share some of your promotions. The colors include blue and light, both of which look clean and elegant. The theme has social media icons, color palettes, customizable homepage sections and a mobile-friendly design. It's also worth mentioning that all of the free Shopify themes get free updates.
As mentioned, the Supply theme is made for larger catalogs. Therefore, filtering is a huge part of this strategy. The collection filtering offers the chance to filter anything from price to brand. You can even customize the filters based on the uniqueness of your own brand. The homepage includes several modules for building featured collections. For instance, you might consider making a collection of your most popular products, or your customers might want to only see men's or women's fashion. Finally, the slideshow runs automatically, flipping through your banners and supporting high-resolution images.
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The Brooklyn Shopify theme offers two separate styles. The first one, called Classic, is ideal for modern apparel stores or really any type of clothing retailer. The Playful style provides a more niche version of the theme, with bright colors, which would look great for a bakery or kids clothing shop. The header slideshow is one of the best features, since it allows you to showcase multiple products towards the top of your homepage. You also get a dynamic product grid that acts as a gallery for your most popular products.
A slide-out cart improves the shopping experience for a number of reasons. First of all, it doesn't make your customer go through numerous clicks to get to their shopping cart. In addition, these customers are reminded of the products currently in their shopping cart. Therefore, this configuration bodes well for the merchant as well, since you could potentially get more conversions. Finally, a homepage video is included with the Brooklyn theme. It starts playing once a visitor arrives, helping you either explain your company or talk about a new product you have.
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The Narrative Shopify theme is another free option, and it has multiple styles with different colors. The whole reason you'd choose this theme is if you plan on having a small catalog. So, it's ideal for smaller companies or startups just getting the ball rolling. Inventors should consider this theme as well, since it's a nice solution for selling one or two products. The Hero video features an autoplay function, along with a fullscreen button for those who want a better view. Essentially, the Narrative theme works nicely for visual storytelling. You can customize everything from blockquotes to images, leading your customers through the story of your brand.
The fixed navigation generates a better browsing experience for the user. In short, the menu pops up when someone scrolls around your page, therefore leading them to the right buttons when they need to go elsewhere. There's also a vertical slideshow for showcasing your product, blog posts or regular images. Along with a wide layout version and some other interesting features, you should definitely consider Narrative when trying to sell just a few products online.
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Annabelle is available as a free download through a third-party developer. It doesn't have a specific niche, but we feel it would work well for most apparel stores. The homepage slide variations ensure that you can show off your products. You can also choose between overflow and full-width sliders. The homepage featured banners come in three different styles. They have magnifying effects so your customers can get a better look at the products you're trying to sell.
The homepage is where most of the magic happens with the Annabelle theme. You get a featured products carousel for people to slide through your offerings. There's also an Instagram gallery to get more followers. Another reason this theme looks so appealing is because of the multiple column formats you can play around with. For example, you might have one column for some products and three columns for others. The product pages are as strong as you can find, with a beautiful customer review section, sizing chart and social sharing. The theme also provides a collection page template and product zoom, making it a beautiful package all around.
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If you're looking for simple and clean, Minimal is a Shopify theme you can't go wrong with. It offers multiple styles, including one for vintage shops, fashion and music. The vintage and fashion ones are pretty similar, but the music solution really stands out if you're thinking about launching a merchandise store for your band or solo act. As for the primary features, the Minimal theme has a beautiful slideshow that supports large images of your best products. This slideshow goes on your homepage to improve conversions and give people a solid introduction to your products. There's also some great product filtering on the product pages. This way, users can select that they'd like to see a certain category or maybe only look at your best sellers.
The product image zoom is one of those features you don't think you need until you have it. The tool is particularly useful when you're selling detailed products like clothing. The customers want to examine the type of fabric and designs, and the zoom tool allows for that. The homepage video connects with either YouTube or Vimeo, and it does the job for telling a story or introducing a new product. The final standout feature involves a related products module. So, whenever a customer thinks about buying a product, they'll see a list of upsells towards the bottom of the page. It not only helps with your sales but guides the customers through the purchasing process.
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Boundless features a stunning header area, with support for a large image that takes up the majority of the screen. The styles are called “Black and White” and “Vibrant.” The black and white version has a more conservative design, making it suitable for a wide range of industries. The vibrant one has a more aggressive, playful style. It looks like something you might use for a skateboard or biking shop. The theme has social media icons, multiple color palettes and several customizable content sections on the homepage. The mobile-friendly design snaps items into place when viewed through a mobile device, and the drop-down navigation support allows for several links in the menu.
The Boundless theme includes a homepage video for creating a more media-rich environment on your homepage. All you have to do is copy and paste in a Vimeo or YouTube video. Then the video is shown to your customers as they land on your homepage. The full-width collection images work wonders for presenting your products in a gallery format. For instance, you may have a collection of your best-selling products or a holiday wish list. If that's the case, your customers will greatly appreciate a collection with all products on the page. Sticky navigation keeps the menu items in view at all times, and the slideshow with fading effect adds a nice creative touch to the homepage. The Boundless theme also has a single product gallery and full optimization for large images.
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Pop is another minimalist theme, but it has a somewhat playful and slightly feminine design. The “Bone” style provides a great setup for a makeup shop or something for women. The “Toy” style has exactly what you need for a child-oriented website. The social media icons link to all of your social pages, and the responsive design helps with viewing on smaller devices. You'll also find some awesome built-in styles and color palettes. The theme has a sidebar menu for quickly accessing different category pages. You can also use the sidebar menu to make your company website look more unique. The theme has a slide-out cart so that the customers can remain on the same page while still adding products to their carts.
The product image zoom is included on all of your product pages. All the customer has to do is hover over the image. Then it reveals a far more detailed version of the product. The only problem with this feature is that you really need to have high-resolution photos. So, it's important to think about that so that the product zoom has its desired effect. Another reason you might want to go with the Pop theme is because of the homepage slideshow. You can show off multiple products or simply have a bunch of images in the slideshow. For example, you might want to post new promotional banners that scroll through and let customers know how they can save. Along with some gorgeous colors and solid product galleries, the Pop theme makes sense for many companies.
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The Venture Shopify theme is your go-to free solution for outdoor activities and adventure sports. For example, you might have a snowboarding shop or something for boxing. There's also a style made just for outdoor brands. The header module includes a large image and overlaying text. This allows you to explain your company or talk about a promotion. It leads into your product categories or popular items, all organized into beautiful image galleries and links. You'll immediately notice that the Venture theme is made for large product categories. Therefore, you should avoid this one if you're thinking about only selling a handful of products.
The multi-column menu is a unique version of a navigational menu. What's great about this menu is that the links have far more product details in the drop-down area. So, you can show product information and images, leading to more information being given to the customer, right from the menu. A slideshow is available on the homepage as well. You can only place it on your homepage, but it's a powerful tool for displaying all of your promotions or improving on the amount of product exposure you have. For a free theme, the Venture option is one of the most feature-rich. It has a promotional banner, specifically designed for promoting certain products and offering discounts to your customers. This is shown towards the top of your homepage, prompting people to buy right off the bat. The Venture theme also has solid product filtering and a single featured product view, giving you plenty of tools to play around with.
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The Jumpstart Shopify theme should only be used for one type of business: One that's running a crowdfunding campaign. Therefore, it's ideal for small startups and inventors that have one product. You'll get all of the standard crowdfunding features, like details on how much you're trying to raise and the progress you've made. This is called the goal-tracking tool, allowing you to show your contributors how much more you need in order to reach your goal. The homepage video is crucial when it comes to asking for money. They say that the most successful crowdfunding campaigns have some sort of creative video to explain the project. You'll also get some handy custom modules. One of them shares promotions, while another shows FAQs. You can also reveal your blog posts right on the homepage.
Once again, this theme is built for small catalogs. You could technically sell more than one product with the Jumpstart theme, but most crowdfunding campaigns focus on an individual item. One of the unique tools is called the “As Seen On” section, where you talk about where the products have been promoted and if the media has done any coverage on them. Along with a great slideshow, social media buttons, responsiveness and multiple color palettes, the Jumpstart theme does the trick for crowdfunding.
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